“And finally Winter, with its bitin’, whinin’ wind, and all the land will be mantled with snow.”
— Roy Bean
Snow day. Can you think of two words with a more magical connotation?
Growing up near the beach, I can remember waking up and holding my breath for a quick moment right before pulling back the blinds every time snow had been forecast.
It was hardly ever there, but in the few times it was, when the world outside lay beneath a blanket of snow, there was barely enough time to throw on clothes. Because snow was so rare, we never had the right kind of gear. We’d pull on parachute-like track pants over our jeans, three pairs of socks with our trainers, and mismatched hats and coats. Waterproof was a foreign idea.
This awe and wonder continued through my first year of college, where I’d wander the campus with my camera and love how often it snowed in the mountains. The world was transformed, gardens with hardly a footprint to mar their pristine powdered landscape.
But in winter of my second year, the white stuff and I had a bit of a falling out. Suddenly, living miles off campus put me out of walking distance to class or work in inclement weather. A weak battery in my car meant countless mornings it wouldn’t start and ice to battle with while scraping sheets of it off my windshield. Snow became something to endure, not enjoy.
Now, here in London, without the stress of not being able to get where I need to be, I’ve found myself falling back in love with snow, rediscovering that childhood wonder, in fact even hoping for it. The past couple of weeks the temperature has dropped so low, it seemed almost like it’d be unnatural for a few flurries not to result from it. They’ve been calling for snow since early last week and finally, last night, it came.
I woke up today and let out a little scream at the sight of big white flakes tumbling from the sky. I pulled on boots, hat and jacket and rushed out the door with my camera, if only for a few seconds to get a picture or two. The ground was scarcely covered, but brittle autumn leaves had crystallized beautifully overnight.
Even though I spent the morning reading on the couch, instead of outdoors building a snow fort or sledding, it was such a lovely change of pace seeing a white blur in the window out of the corner of my eye.
And while the dusting on the ground today may not have been enough to make a snow angel in, it was just enough to make me smile.

I know exactly what you’re talking about with the love/hate relationship with the snow, when i first came to canada I had never walked on ice before, so you can imagine how much of a baby deer i was slipping and sliding all over the place, and always so excited for the snow but for it to snow it has to be cold. and thats what I hate about it. hehe
awww, I love that image of you as a baby deer, perfect writing 🙂 have you guys had much snow your way yet? any Christmas plans? hope all is well in the other London!
Snow! That was my first thought when I opened the curtains today, too. It was a white wonderland with continuous flakes falling from the sky. I’m pleased it hasn’t lingered on the streets, as I am moving this evening, but it’s made for some nice scenery out doors.
And what beautiful leaf photos!
Thanks, Jen! How beautiful was this morning? I was in love 🙂 Hope all the moving goes well tonight…best of luck and I look forward to seeing pictures of the new place!
Hmmm, two views from the window–seeing you looking out the window of your baby blue cabana in Tahiti and looking out the window of your flat in London? Which view do you like best? Or, are you truly living in the moment…the most perfect place to live. Ahhh, last snow here in Va., Abe and I spent the day together! 🙂 Great memories.
I got to experience snow for my first time ever yesterday and damn was it cool. Walking to work with the snow flakes coming down around me I was wearing a grin from ear to ear as it was something I was really looking forward to experiencing while living here.
I work out of london so got well and truly more than just a sprinkling as well. So much so that on that very day it took me over 5 hours to get home. While i despised the snow for the delay, how can you hate it when its so beautiful to watch it fall peacefully to the ground around you.